Navidades familiares
22 diciembre, 2007 a las 18:28/ por moscacojonera
el origen de toda la historia del hombre de rojo. Le veo mucho más bíblico.
Como me voy a casa de mis padres y no sé qué tal tienen el ADSL, si lo tienen, igual no puedo actualizar hasta la mañana del 26.
Si es así, que lo paséis muy bien.
Y por cierto: Es una leyenda urbana eso de que Papa Noel va de rojo porque Coca Cola lo pintó de ese color.
Images of Santa Claus were further popularized through Haddon Sundblom‘s depiction of him for The Coca-Cola Company‘s Christmas advertising. The popularity of the image spawned urban legends that Santa Claus was in fact invented by Coca-Cola or that Santa wears red and white because those are the Coca-Cola colors. In fact, Coca-Cola was not even the first soft drink company to utilize the modern image Santa Claus in its advertising – White Rock Beverages used Santa in advertisements for its ginger ale in 1923 after first using him to sell mineral water in 1915. Even though Coca-Cola was not the first to do this, their massive campaign was one of the main reasons for why Santa Claus ended up depicted as wearing red and white, in contrast to the variety of colours he wore prior to the campaign. [19][20]