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BDSM sólo para mujeres, Easter 2010

28 enero, 2010 a las 14:27/ por

Más información del evento

Sobre el evento, por si no lo leiste el otro día:

For more than a decade now The International Women-SM-Conference has been inviting lesbians and other interested women to indulge in their shared passions for a long weekend over Easter. Transgender men who feel part of the women’s BDSM scene are also welcome. The conference offers practical workshops, time to share diverse passions, parties, a gathering place for kindred spirits, and a chance to deepen your knowledge about play practices or to discover brand new ones… English and German will be the languages of the conference and everybody is expected to contribute with the translation and communication where they can.

1 Comentario a “BDSM sólo para mujeres, Easter 2010”

  1. buenas, puntualizar que el evento se llama SCHMACHT, no «easter»

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